SIO Compact Tripod Turnstile With Automatic Anti Panic

SIO Weatherproof Compact Tripod Turnstile, designed for outdoor use without shelter, is a modern solution for access control.

SIO Compact Tripod Turnstile With Automatic Anti Panic Folding Arms

The SIO compact tripod turnstile features anti-panic barrier arms automatically falling down by alarm signal or at a power loss, which makes it possible to immediately clear the passageway in emergency situations.

SIO Compact Tripod Turnstile For Indoor application

The SIO compact tripod turnstile provides an economical solution for businesses and organisations that need a proper entrance control equipment within a limited budget.

SIO Compact Tripod Turnstile For Indoor application

The SIO compact tripod turnstile provide a universal access control solution. High throughput capacity of this model enables effective management of even intense pedestrian flows.